身份計畫是一個國際攝影計畫,探索LGBTQ社群在定義性別和性傾向時所使用的標籤用詞,即將於2019年1月來到台灣。此計畫正在尋找台灣的參與者來慶祝其五週年慶。照片拍攝時間為12/27/2018 至1/12/2019。我們可以在島上到感興趣的團體旅行,該項目正在尋找島上的參與者慶祝其5週年紀念日 這個攝影計畫是由舊金山的肖像攝影師Sarah Deragon於2014年1月開始,當時她在Facebook上發布了自己的照片,照片下方註明著“女同性戀,婆Queer Femme”之字樣,並邀請她所屬的社區參與者一起參與攝影。一個月內,她拍攝了100多人,而人們選擇了花花公子Dandy,獨角獸Unicorn,酷兒性別GenderQueer,泛性別Pansexual和女同性戀Lesbro等詞。 此攝影計畫引起注目,Sarah 得以前往紐約,波特蘭,奧斯汀,甚至被邀請到俄羅斯聖彼得堡去展示她的作品。

Sarah目前正在尋找台灣當地人,外國人士以及更大的API(亞太島民)社群,在她於2019年1月訪問台北時,一起來參與她的攝影計畫。歡迎在LGBTQ光譜範圍內的人士來參加。 由於台灣最新的選舉結果正訴求要泯除台灣LGBTQ社群,因此一場應時的酷兒社群願意現身出來拍照,有著極為重要的意義。 參與這個計畫將向世界展現台灣LGBTQI社區確實存在,並且需要擁有對個人,家庭和伴侶在法律上的保障與認可。

身份計畫與人們產生共鳴,因為此計畫引發去抗衡當今社會對LGBTQ的先入為主的觀念。 這些肖像不僅引人注目,而且計劃裡的參與者也在玩著語言,創造出全新的語彙(跨性別酷兒transgenderqueer或中間者inbetweener),同時對其複雜且不斷變化的身份表現出自豪感。


如果您知道有願意提供身分計畫的照片拍攝活動之組織或場地,請發送電子郵件至sarahderagon@gmail.com或透過網站的表格寄出。Sarah 將在台北,但也將前往有極大參與興趣的島內其他地方。

有興趣參與嗎?請到 (FORM),當我們確定好拍攝的時間/地點時,您會收到通知。


LINE ID - sarahderagon

The Identity Project, an international photography project that explores the labels the LGBTQ community uses when defining their gender and sexuality, is coming to Taiwan. Photo shoots will occur between 12/27/2018 and 1/12/2019. We can travel around the island to interested groups and the project is looking for participants on the island to celebrate its 5 year anniversary.

This photo project was launched in January 2014 by Sarah Deragon, a San Francisco-based portrait photographer, when she posted a photo of herself on Facebook with the terms ‘Queer Femme’ underneath the photo and asked for participants from her community to come and be photographed. Within a month she had over 100 people photographed and folks chose words like Dandy, Unicorn, GenderQueer, Pansexual and Lesbro. The photo project went viral and Sarah was able to travel to New York, Portland, Austin and was even invited to show her work in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Sarah is now seeking Taiwan locals, ex-pats, and the greater QTAPI (Queer Trans Asian Pacific Islanders) community for participation in her photo project when she is visiting Taipei in late December 2018 to mid January 2019. Anyone that identifies underneath the LGBTQ spectrum is welcome to participate. All participants will receive the high resolution image of their choice with their chosen terms to use however they see fit. This image may be used in any way and the final photo will be used on all social media channels for the project (Instagram, Facebook) and on this website.

It is of the utmost importance that a large contingency of the queer community come out to be photographed due to the latest election results that are seeking to erase the Taiwan LGBTQ community. Participation in this project will show the world at large that the Taiwan LGBTQI community does indeed exist and that there needs to be legal protection and recognition for individuals, families and couples.

The Identity Project resonates with people because the photo project pushes up against the preconceived notions of what it is to be LGBTQ in today's society. Not only are the portraits striking, the participants in the project are playing with language, making up entirely new terms (transgenderqueer or inbetweener) and showing pride in their complex and ever changing identities.

Sarah is committed to reflecting the beautiful diversity of our LGBTQ communities and is actively seeking participants who are POC, trans*, bisexual, youth, elders, disabled, immigrant and otherwise identify as outside of the mainstream gay and lesbian culture.  

If you know of an organization or location that can host The Identity Project for the photo shoot, please send an email to sarahderagon@gmail.com or send in a form through the website. Sarah will be in Taipei but will travel to other parts of the island where there is an large interest in participation. Interested in participating? Please go to this FORM and you will be notified when we have secured a time/location for folks to be photographed.


Thank you!

LINE - sarahderagon

Read all about Sarah’s latest international ad campaign inspired by The Identity Project HERE.

See the entire campaign and watch a video HERE.